Training of Trainers Programme

Information outlining how to become an AMI Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing (MDDA) Trainer or Auxiliary Trainer.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply to become an AMI Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing (MDDA) Trainer, the following minimum requirements must be met:

  • Post-secondary degree or professional license in a health and/or social science related field
  • Evidence of continuing professional development in dementia and ageing care 
  • Completion of the AMI MDDA Practitioner Certification
  • 5 years professional experience in working with older adults and individuals living with dementia or equivalent 
  • Completion of the AMI MDDA Workshop
  • Proven implementation of a successful MDDA programme in a care community
  • Proven experience with leading change demonstrated by a positive attitude and emotional intelligence
  • A commitment to Montessori as an aid to life and an understanding of how this is applicable to older adults
  • Proven experience in presenting in-service education, conferences and workshops in the field of dementia and ageing care, with evidence of positive evaluations
  • Sound knowledge of adult learning principles

Application Process

Applicants will be required to:

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Attach an outline of your experience in course and training material development, in-service education and training delivery
  • Attach an outline of your experience in presenting at conferences and/or giving talks
  • Attach a short essay describing your reasons for applying and how you meet the eligibility criteria
  • Attach two letters of recommendation describing how the applicant meets the above eligibility criteria 
  • Attach a copy of your current resumé
  • Pay the Application Fee

Applicants will then be required have two separate interviews with two different AMI MDDA Trainers, one of whom must be from the AMI Montessori Advisory Group for MDDA.

The application and Training of Trainers Programme is conducted in English. Any arrangements for translation must be made at the applicant’s expense.

The applicant will be advised in writing if they are successful in their application and will be appointed a supervisor. Unsuccessful applicants will have one opportunity to resubmit.

Training and Assessment Process

General Requirements

Candidates are required to:

  • Read recommended texts
  • Complete the AMI MDDA workshop
  • Attend a minimum of one full two-day AMI MDDA Workshop as an observer, in addition to having completed the AMI MDDA Practitioner Certification 

Certification of Training Materials

Candidates are required to submit for assessment, a complete set of trainer and student resources for the delivery of the AMI MDDA Workshop that meets the AMI MDDA Introductory Workshop Curriculum Guidelines, including workshop delivery plan, lecture notes, slide presentations and supporting hand-outs

Supervised Practice: Workshop Delivery

Candidates are required to: 

  • Successfully deliver a minimum of two AMI MDDA Workshops under the supervision and mentoring of a AMI MDDA Trainer
  • Submit complete participant evaluations from a minimum of two supervised AMI MDDA Workshops for review

Auxiliary Trainer

  • If the candidate successfully completes all of the above steps they will be determined ‘competent’ and will be awarded Auxiliary Trainer status and will be authorised to deliver the AMI MDDA Workshop
  • All requirements for the Training of Trainers Programme Auxiliary Trainer status must be met within 12 months of acceptance into the programme
  • Auxiliary Trainers will be issued a numbered Certificate of Attainment indicating their status as an AMI MDDA Auxiliary Trainer

Supervised Practice: Certification Assessment 

  • Auxiliary Trainers can then complete the “Supervised Practice: Certification Assessment” component of the Training of Trainers Programme
  • The candidate enters into a period of supervised practice for the delivery of the AMI MDDA Practitioner Certification
  • This requires the submission of the submitted work of 10 students completing the Practitioner Certification


  • All requirements for the Trainer status must be met within 24 months of acceptance into the programme
  • Upon successful completion of the full programme candidates will be issued a numbered Certificate of Attainment indicating their status as an AMI MDDA Trainer

Continuing Education

All Trainers and Auxiliary Trainers must facilitate at least two AMI MDDA Workshops per year to maintain currency and provide evidence of continuing education in both their field of practice and Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing.


Application Fee – €200

Useful Resources

  • Dr Montessori’s Own Handbook
  • Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood, by P. Polk Lillard
  • Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius Updated Edition, by A. Stoll Lillard
  • Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori, Mario M Montessori 
  • Montessori for Elder and Dementia Care, by Jennifer Brush
  • Culture Change in Long Term Care, by W. Weiner & J. Ronch
  • Emotional Intelligence, by D. Goleman
  • Leadership for Person Centred Dementia Care, by B. Loveday
  • Memory & Communication Aids for People with Dementia, by M. Bourgeois
  • Spaced Retrieval Step by Step, J. Benigas, J. Brush, & G. Elliot
  • Alzheimer's Association Dementia Care Practice Recommendations 
  • Centre for Dementia Learning
  • The Dementia Center 
  • Dementia Australia