
Julia Ballesteros Senties, founder of Nuúp honra.conecta, Licensed Therapist in Human Communication, has worked with adults for more than 20 years, specialising in cognitive neurorehabilitation. Julia's current clinical practice focuses on providing language therapy, counselling, workshops and Montessori programming for adults at home, in day centres and in long-term care residences.  Julia is certified by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) as a Montessori Guide for Children's House. Recognising the fact that Montessori is a philosophy of life for all ages, Julia studied to become the first person in Mexico to obtain the AMI Practitioner Certificate in Montessori for Dementia and Aging. She has joined the Brush Development team as an AMI Auxiliary Educator and currently offers Montessori workshops that focus on helping seniors maintain their independence, make decisions and participate actively in their community. Julia firmly believes that people should feel connected to each other, feel useful, loved and honoured, live a life full of meaning, asserting each moment, focusing on the possibilities, based on the laws of nature.